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sábado, 1 de setembro de 2012

Vocal do Seremedy fala sobre a SURGE~

Translation at the end of the post.

E ai galera! O vocalista da banda Seremedy, SEIKE, conversou recentemente com o vocalista da SURGE~, Kazuki Yagami. SEIKE ouviu as músicas do Single Baioretto e do Maxi-Single Zetsubou no iro (download em www.surgeout.com ) e afirmou que realmente gostou do que ouviu, principalmente os vocais. Ressaltou também seu carinho pelos fãs brasileiros e disse que gostaria de tocar junto com a SURGE~ em um show aqui no Brasil! Gostariam de ver o Seremedy e a SURGE~ juntos aqui no Brasil? Com certeza faríamos um belo show! Formada por SEIKE, YOHIO (que também alcançou grande destaque com seus trabalhos solo), RAY, JENZiiH e Linder,  a banda Seremedy já fez duas turnês no Japão, participando do V-Rock Festival e vem sendo destaque da revista CURE Magazine, além de abrir o show do Versailles no Uppcon 11. Desde o início a banda Seremedy teve um crescente número de fãs em todo o mundo. Depois de um ano de atividades oficiais a banda assinou com a Ninetone Records/Universal Music.  “Stay MAD” Seremedy e Go Go Go SURGE~!

Hey guys! The vocalist of Seremedy, SEIKE, recently chatted with the vocalist of  SURGE~outofdesperation, Kazuki Yagami. SEIKE heard the songs from the Single Baioretto and the Maxi-Single in Zetsubou iro (download at www.surgeout.com) and he said that really liked what he heard, especially the vocals. He also emphasized his affection for Brazilian fans and said he would like to play along with SURGE ~ on a show in Brazil! Would you love to see Seremedy and SURGE~ together in Brazil? We surely would make a beautiful show! Formed by SEIKE, YOHIO (who also achieved great highlight with his solo works), RAY, JENZiiH and Linder,  Seremedy has held two tours in Japan and they have even performed at V-Rock Festival. They also have been featured in CURE magazine and they were the opening band for Versailles at Uppcon: 11. Since the start of Seremedy the band have gained an ever growing number of fans from all around the world. After one year of activities they made official that the band got signed by Ninetone Records/Universal Music. “Stay MAD” Seremedy and Go Go Go SURGE~! (Sorry for any mistranslations)

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